Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the art of everday life

Finding art in that which you view everyday takes a certain eye. To find meaning and value in said artwork can prove even more difficult (unless you're good at pulling things out of thin air and making them sound convincing.) I rather enjoyed roaming around Cypress College campus looking for art. I also enjoyed what other groups found as well as what they had to say about them.
Some groups picked "obvious" works of art and some went a little deeper. Some put thought into they're choice (or at least it seemed so) and some not so much. Nonetheless it was interesting to see how things one may see on a daily basis can pose new questions and serve various purposes. 
This field trip conjured many questions, both new and old. What is art? How are the elements of art used to define a piece? Who decides what is and isn't art? Where can art be found? Why are certain works created? When and where are the optimal time and location to view a piece? What different types of art exist? How can they co-exist within the same work? The questions really are endless. The answers? Those are a bit more difficult to come up with. 
I'm learning so much, but at the same time I'm not learning anything. It brings to mind a tattoo that refers to a quote, "...ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

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