Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is reality?

"What is reality?" that is the question. I find reality to be one's conception of that to be truth. So by default, each person's definition varies from one another. I took a survey comprised of two questions, one: "What is reality?" and two: "Who are you?" Here are some of the answers I received. 
"Reality is a shitty life." - a 21 year old business student

"Reality is our perception of the world we experience through our eyes & through our senses." - an english major

"Reality is what you want it to be." - a middle school student

"Reality has to do with awareness and perception" - a female being of 32 years

"Reality is the opposite of fantasy." from an individual who described him/herself as "The person I perceive myself to be."

"Reality is common perception." from one who answered "Who are you?" with "Just another person; the only person I know to be real."

"What you believe in; what you can touch; time and space." from "I am alive."

"Reality is scary." according to "I am someone who makes movies."

"Reality is everything, especially unicorns.", said "I is muffin."

"Reality is when you open your eyes." claims someone who states "I am a friend."

And then those who decided to go on a rant about who, or rather what, he/she is.

1) "Your perception, everyone's own personal perception."
2) "[I am a] rapist, sadistic, father complex, abomination, violent, selfdestructive, pack leader, loving, respectable and protective."

1)"What we're bound to."
2) "Many things... An individual, an artist, fragile, life, death, heart and soul, music friendship, odd, unique, dimensional."

Sadly no one gave me an answer that was all to definitive and would challenge anyone's views directly. Instead we all seem to believe that reality is dependent on the individual save "Just another person; the only person I know to be real." This individual admits we must conform to the norms of society when defining what is real. "Just another person...." even went on to explain if you think something that most others don't, you are the one seen to be wrong. 
So what does any of this have to do with art? Art is similar to reality. Art is dependent on the individual. Art is also susceptible to "common perception". Art is perceive differently from individual to individual even when looking at the same artwork. Each person brings his/her own experiences and emotions to a piece of art. 
Watching Matrix and Inception numerous questions arise but the common thread is reality and how to "free you mind." These questions and ideas are not new by any means. People even question if those who created the Lascaux Cave asked themselves these very questions. What am I studying?... art? philosophy? life? I think I'm learning about all of it.

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