Tuesday, September 27, 2011

moving along

Giacomo Balla. Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash. 1912. Oil on canvas, 35 3/8 X 43 1/4". Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y.
Movement is the first thing to come to mind when viewing this painting. The subject walking a dog on a leash is not actually moving, but the sense of motion is certainly portrayed. This effect is achieved by painting different frames on one canvas. The concept is similar to a flip book, but here it's condensed to one page. The  diagonals of the background further emphasis the dynamism of the speed and energy of the subjects in the foreground. Balla was an artist that encapsulated the idea of the art movement referred to as Futurism. Futurism is meant to revere motion, speed, energy, and daring. The shapes are not particularly defined, but rather vague. In junction with the paws and feet, they work marvels for the emphasis of the piece. Much like shape, the muted texture in the foreground helps enhance the background. The blurred paws and feet  give the idea of hurried motion and pressed time. The daschund's  tail whips through the air excitedly. Even the leash moves like double dutch jump ropes. The colors aid in the creation of the energy perceived. Had this painting been completed in more vibrant colors, it would sorely distract. This is a simple painting with amazing energy.     

Judy Pfaff. Cirque, Cirque. 1992-95. Construction of handblown glass orbs, and other materials. Permanently installed at Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia.
Movement also comes to mind with this piece, but not in the same manner. This installation draws greatly on the power of lines. Instinctively we wish to follow lines, perhaps in search of an origin or end. Through loops and twists and turns our eye follow lines and create the movement in the piece. The sheer size also adds to the overall excitement the piece intends to invoke. The soft curves and many circular shapes encourage the eyes to continue in movement. Like the Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash the piece is not moving, but it possesses great energy.

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